File Permissions for Unix / Linux web servers
The following tutorial will show you how to set file permissions on your Linux / Unix web server

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You can set your file permissions with all good FTP programs. Since FTP programs all operate slightly differently, I'll show you how to change the permissions directly through your browser window (I will be using Internet Explorer).

Changing the settings via FTP will be similar.


Step 1:
Open an Internet Explorer window.


Step 2:
In the address bar, type:
...where "username" is your FTP username and "" is your domain name


Step 3:
You will be presented with a logon screen (see image below). Type in your password and click Log on.

logon screen
(click to enlarge)

Step 4:
Once you've logged on, you will see all your folders. Navigate to your DLGuard folder (by double-clicking the folders to open them). On most Unix / Linux servers all your website files will be in a folder named "www" or "public_html". If you can't find them, then you'll need to ask your hosting provider as to where they are.


Step 5:
Now that you're in your DLGuard folder, right-click on your "admin" folder and select "properties" from the popup menu (see image below).

right-click menu
(click to enlarge)


Step 6:
You now want to set the permissions of the folder "admin" to writeable. This means that DLG will be able to write to the folder. After clicking properties (as shown in Step 5), you will see a properties box as show below.

Tick the "Write" boxes for "Owner", "Group", and "All Users". See the image below.

folder permissions
(click to enlarge)

You will also notice that all the Execute boxes are ticked. That's because all folders need to be set to Execute, which allows people to open them. Leave these ticked.


Step 7:
Navigate to the "data" folder, which is inside the "admin" folder. You now need to change the permissions for your data files. To do this, simply right-click on "config.cbdm" and select properties.

Tick the "Write" boxes for "Owner", "Group", and "All Users". See the image below.

file permissions
(click to enlarge)

You will also notice that all the Execute boxes are not ticked. That's because unlike folders, these files do not need to be Executed, or ran. They are simply data files used by DLGuard. Leave the Execute boxes unticked.


Step 8:
Repeat step 7 for all the files in your "admin/data" folder except for the "index.html" file.


Step 9:
Next, navigate to your "tmpdat" folder. This folder is in your "admin/data" folder. Right-click on the "tmpdat" folder and select properties. Tick the "Write" boxes for "Owner", "Group", and "All Users", just like you did for the "admin" folder in Step 6.



And that's it!

Remember after you finish the DLGuard installation, you can change the permissions of your "Admin" folder back to what they originally were.



© DLGuard (Sam Stephens), 2005 | powered by DLGuard